All memberships are processed through National Wild Ones. Click the link to process your new or renewal membership. Please indicate that you are seeking membership in the Rock River Valley Chapter.

Support the Rock River Valley Chapter directly with a donation using any major credit or debit card using PayPal (No PayPal account is required). Click the Donate button below. 

Benefits of Membership Include

  • Membership in both National and RRVC Wild Ones
  • Access to the Wild Ones New Member e-Handbook
  • Admission to National and RRVC Wild Ones Facebook discussion groups
  • Access to the National Wild Ones Journal
  • Recipient of the RRVC newsletters 
  • Ability to participate in the RRVC mentoring program
  • Use of the RRVC Lending Library
  • Invitation to the annual yard tour, end-of-year seed exchange, and Show Me/Help Me yard tours

Please email the Rock River Valley chapter membership coordinator if you have any questions.