Illinois Owls presented by Peggy Doty

April 2022

Owls are not only at the top of their food chain; they are also at the top of their game. Owls have one of the most unique set of tools in their predator toolkit, from eyes that can penetrate the darkness to rotating toes, and a feathered satellite dish to pick up the smallest of rodent feet hitting the ground. Owls are also masters of illusion and silence. Join Peggy Doty, Extension Educator, as we peer into the world of the Illinois owls.

Peggy Doty is an Educator for University of Illinois Extension specializing in environmental education to relate wildlife related issues and water quality to all ages. She holds a B.S. in Zoology with a specialization in wildlife management. Peggy is interested in human reactions and relationships to wildlife, especially regarding the large predators, and now feral swine, in Illinois. She also holds a M.S. in Education with a specialization in Outdoor Teacher Education/Curriculum and Instruction. Peggy has been teaching environmental education for over 20 years, is passionate about teaching children about their environment, and helping people understand wildlife as it relates to their lives.