Other Resources

Wild Ones Native Plants, Natural Landscapes

Website of our national organization.

Guided by the philosophy of Lorie Otto...

“If suburbia were landscaped with meadows, prairies, thickets, or forests, or combinations of these, then the water would sparkle, fish would be good to eat again, birds would sing and human spirits would soar.”

Wild Ones continues to lead the natural landscaping movement as we explore, teach, and change the practice of gardening in our communities and around the country to using native plants.

The Biota of North America Program

North American Vascular Flora

Fermilab Prairie Plants

Guide for kids to find plants in the Fermilab prairie.

llinois Wildflowers

The Illinois Wildflowers website contains descriptions, photographs, and range maps of many wildflowers and other plants in Illinois.

Kenneth Robertson

Kenneth Robertson is a retired botanist with the Illinois Natural History Survey. His websites provide interesting information about Illinois prairies and their plants.

The Tallgrass Prairie in Illinois
Images of Prairie Plants
Native Prairie Plants for Use Along Roadsides in Illinois

Woody Landscape Plant Identification

UI Plants is a database on woody landscape plant identification, culture and usage for the Midwest, including native and introduced species and their major varieties and cultivars.